

Your Guide for Health & Longevity


What People Are Saying

“You’ve magically hit a sweet spot - health & wellness is a high priority for me, you’ve taken a holistic approach, even with your breadth there is depth to each issue and makes it easy to digest, it’s written in plain English, and there’s always an action I can start applying right away! I haven’t come across anything that has all these ingredients in one!”

Atin G

“Thrive 25 is packed with information that I never knew, nor do I find on IG. I enjoy reading it because every time I see the email, I know it's crafted with quality, by someone who genuinely cares about improving people's lives.”

Ricky S

“I just wanted to drop a note to say that the newsletter is awesome! I’m also subscribed to The Morning Brew and The Hustle among others, and they’re great, but yours is the best. Keep up the good work!”

Saurabh S