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  • Issue #426: The Missing Key to Your Biomarkers

Issue #426: The Missing Key to Your Biomarkers

In partnership with

Good morning. It’s Tuesday, February 4th.

In today’s email:

  • Learn: The Power of Community

  • Try: Call Someone

  • Measure: Platelets and MPV

  • In the News: A Vegetable Garden on Your Counter

We’re about to launch our Early Access for Thrive25!

If you want to get the world’s best Personalized Biomarker Report and get a full annual Membership to Thrive25 - join our WAITLIST now to get Early Access!

Stat of the Day

The percentage of restaurant revenue from takeout or delivery - basically we’re all eating at home now. (The Atlantic)


The Power of Community

I went for a run the other morning and was completely stressed out. I felt like I was wearing a weighted vest preventing my legs from going any faster and my mind was racing with everything going on right now.

The stress of work has undoubtedly reduced my time with friends and also made it harder to connect with my wife - most nights I get back online after the kids go to bed.

But it wasn’t just the quantity of time - it was the quality of time. I wasn’t being fully present because my mind was going back to deadlines or other responsibilities.

The headlines tell us that we’re living in an anti-social world and that we’re spending more time alone - and that’s true.

But I’d argue that it’s not just being physically alone, but that we’re too focused in our own head and not appreciating the time we have with our partner, our family, or our friends.

Markers of Health

I’d spent most of this first month of the year talking to doctors and experts to really get the latest science for our Personalized Biomarker Report - what everyone should know about their lab results.

Most importantly - we want to really help everyone know what to do through natural lifestyle habits to optimize their results.

Most of these medical discussions move quickly to diet (nutrition is huge when it comes to metabolic and heart-related biomarkers), exercise, and sleep.

But something was missing. I’m pretty damn good with all of these factors - yet, I could feel the cortisol racing through my body and that I wasn’t at my best health.

Well there’s a reason for that - social connections have a huge impact on our physical health!

And there’s real science here - we see specific biomarkers that are affected by our relationships. Specifically results for the following*:

  • C-Reactive Protein - marker of inflammation (learn more)

  • Blood Pressure - marker of heart health (learn more)

  • Waist Circumference - marker of metabolic health (learn more)

At every stage of life, how we engage with other people - the trust we build, the support they provide, the laughs we share - significantly impacts our health and longevity.

Again, this isn’t only when you’re lonely - it’s when you’re not fully present in your home, with your friends, or in your community.

Full social participation is such a fundamental human need that if we lack this connection it increases our odds of dying by at least 50%.

This shows up when we don’t prioritize time with friends - we skip that weekly walk, monthly dinner, or lunch date.

It’s already February and without realizing it, we haven’t seen or spoken to our closest friends in over a month. 2025 came in hot with work, and we’ve already forgotten those “stay in touch” New Year’s resolutions (but this happened in 2024, and 2023…).

It shows up when we go through the motions with our partner - we let the carpooling, long work hours, and daily stress keep us from connecting. We hold on to grudges, keep score, and let the little things prevent us from remembering how lucky we are for each day. Then too many mornings and nights pass by without holding hands, telling them you love them, and just being there to listen.

It shows up when we disengage from our community - going to work (or working from home), ordering takeout, and spending most of our time in our home.

All of these are related.

In-person physical connection is down 20% since 2003. Now for us 40-somethings, I chalk that up to the fact that I’m not going to weekly happy hours like I was 20 years ago - but that doesn’t mean we should live isolated in our homes.

via Giphy

When we don’t prioritize other relationships, we put too much pressure on our partners to be everything for us - co-parent, therapist, sports fan, lover, strategic coach.

But they need the same from us and then we get disappointed and become unfairly frustrated with the relationship.

There’s no better way to start the day than with a workout or walking with friends.

There’s no better way to end that day than with a conversation asking your partner questions and giving them a kiss goodnight.

These are true blessings that can easily get overlooked in the race we’re all running to get through the day, earn more money, and chase whatever it is we’re chasing.

The Harvard Happiness Study told us that relationships are key to living our best life.

They are also essential to achieving our best health.


Call Someone

Be grateful for the relationships you have - and reach out to someone today to tell them how awesome it is they are in your life.

Thrive25 Partner Spotlight

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Platelets and MPV


Platelets are less than one percent of our blood’s volume - but don’t discount just how important they are to our health.

When we get cut, our blood starts flowing out of our body. But fortunately for most of us the bleeding eventually stops - thanks to our platelets.

These tiny cells are called to action when a blood vessel breaks. They first stick to collagen fibers at the site of the injury. Then they send out chemicals to bring in even more platelets to form a “plug” then finally a “clot” - which is like a strong mesh-like structure to seal the blood inside our body.

Our platelets are formed in our bone marrow - and live for about 8-11 days.

Many publications will post a wide range of what’s considered normal for platelet count:

Normal Range = 150-450 10^3 p/µL

But there are risks to both high and low platelet counts:

Low Count = the first is obvious, the risk of bleeding (no clotting). But it might also suggest issues with bone marrow function.

High Count = anemia (lack of iron), inflammation, and an increased risk of heart disease.

Optimal Range = 200-300 10^3 p/µL

Mean Platelet Volume (MPV)

MPV (not to be confused with MVP) is an often overlooked biomarker related to platelets. It measures the size of each platelet.

The reason this is so key is that if our platelet count is low AND MPV is high - meaning platelets are bigger than normal, then our bone marrow may be compensating for the low production of platelets and be a trigger for bigger health concerns.

Similarly, small MPV may also suggest your bone marrow can’t produce platelets fast enough for what is needed by your body.

You want to be right in the middle:

Optimal Range = 7.5-9.0 fL (femtoliters)

It should be noted that altitude, menstrual cycles and even strenuous exercise can all affect MPV results.

Make sure to get both of these biomarkers as part of your annual bloodwork!

Always consult with a trusted healthcare provider when reviewing your results.

H&L in the News

Over 40? Train Smarter: Hitting peak fitness after 40 is possible - if you train smarter. Build strength, balance intensity with recovery, and prioritize sleep, nutrition, and mobility. Your best years are ahead! (NYTimes)

Fresh Greens, Zero Waste, Anytime: Lettuce Grow partners with Costco to bring live seedlings and its new Counterstand to stores, making fresh, nutrient-rich produce more accessible. Grow at home, harvest as needed, and enjoy peak flavor - straight from your counter. (FittInsider)

A Frozen Future?: From organ banking to space travel, cryopreservation promises to revolutionize health and longevity. Discover how this breakthrough tech could redefine life, death, and human potential. (Big Think)

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We’re 40-something dads that felt our bodies and minds start to slow down and we’re not ready for that. We found too much information on every subject. So we started Thrive25 to transform what we’ve learned into something useful for the rest of us to spend just 5 min a day to optimize our health & longevity.

This newsletter is for you and we truly value your feedback. Never hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].

To health!